Theniente Gobernador y Asesor de Guerra co-
misionado para ella que comienza foxas
ochenta y ocho se suspendio en la noventa
y dos, continuo en la noventa y tres, y concluyo
en la ciento y una niega haver dicho al
Comandante de Punta Cortada los particu
lares que acaba de leer en este acto con
tando iqualmente haverse suspendido era
la primera confesion por no entender bien
el frances estando presentes dos Ynterpre
tes, é yo el Excrivano bien instruidos, y fue
preciso nombrarle otros interpretes Mina
que el Negro esclavo de Jorge Ben
geron en su confesion que comienza a fo
xas ciento y seis, y concluye en la ciento
y diez niega haver dado las respuestas
que contan en la declaracion escrita
ante el Comandante y que no se dejaban
hablar viendo que escribian y havia
misionado para ella que comienza foxas
ochenta y ocho se suspendio en la noventa
y dos, continuo en la noventa y tres, y concluyo
en la ciento y una niega haver dicho al
Comandante de Punta Cortada los particu
lares que acaba de leer en este acto con
tando iqualmente haverse suspendido era
la primera confesion por no entender bien
el frances estando presentes dos Ynterpre
tes, é yo el Excrivano bien instruidos, y fue
preciso nombrarle otros interpretes Mina
que el Negro esclavo de Jorge Ben
geron en su confesion que comienza a fo
xas ciento y seis, y concluye en la ciento
y diez niega haver dado las respuestas
que contan en la declaracion escrita
ante el Comandante y que no se dejaban
hablar viendo que escribian y havia
Lieutenant Governor and Judge-Advocate
in charge of it which begins on page
eighty eight paused on ninety
two, continuing on ninety three, and concluding
on one hundred and one denies having said to the
Commander of Punta Cortada the details
that have just been read in this hearing saying
also that the first confession
had been stopped because he did not understand
French well being present two Interpreters
and I the Scribe all well educated, and it was
necessary to appoint other Mina interpreters
that the Black Francisco slave of Jorge Bengeron
in his confession which begins on
page one hundred and six, and concludes on one hundred
and ten denies having given the responses
that are related in the written declaration
before the Commander and that they did not let him
speak seeing that they were writing and there were
in charge of it which begins on page
eighty eight paused on ninety
two, continuing on ninety three, and concluding
on one hundred and one denies having said to the
Commander of Punta Cortada the details
that have just been read in this hearing saying
also that the first confession
had been stopped because he did not understand
French well being present two Interpreters
and I the Scribe all well educated, and it was
necessary to appoint other Mina interpreters
that the Black Francisco slave of Jorge Bengeron
in his confession which begins on
page one hundred and six, and concludes on one hundred
and ten denies having given the responses
that are related in the written declaration
before the Commander and that they did not let him
speak seeing that they were writing and there were
Previous document:
Notification of Fernando Rodriguez (September 18, 1792)