carcel reducida y la tropa poca para guar
darlos juntos; pero despues con lo que le dixo el Co
mandante los volvio mandar aprehender y
entonces fue quando se hecho al agua el Negro
que se ahogo cuyo nombre y el de su dueño
no se acuerda y responde----
Preguntado si este Negro que dice se aho-
go havia dado su declaracion antes? dixo:
que si esta comprehendido en los que estuvieron
presos daria su declaracion, pero que no puede
asegurar ni uno ni otro, bien que oyo decir
que se havia hechado al agua en la segunda
vez que iba a ser aprehendido y responde----
Preguntado por que no se hallo presente
a las declaraciones de los de la Patrulla? dixo:
que por estar enfermo y responde----
Reconvenido como dice todo lo antecedente
siendo asi que el Negro Jaco de Santiago
Fabre en su confesion dada ante el Señor
darlos juntos; pero despues con lo que le dixo el Co
mandante los volvio mandar aprehender y
entonces fue quando se hecho al agua el Negro
que se ahogo cuyo nombre y el de su dueño
no se acuerda y responde----
Preguntado si este Negro que dice se aho-
go havia dado su declaracion antes? dixo:
que si esta comprehendido en los que estuvieron
presos daria su declaracion, pero que no puede
asegurar ni uno ni otro, bien que oyo decir
que se havia hechado al agua en la segunda
vez que iba a ser aprehendido y responde----
Preguntado por que no se hallo presente
a las declaraciones de los de la Patrulla? dixo:
que por estar enfermo y responde----
Reconvenido como dice todo lo antecedente
siendo asi que el Negro Jaco de Santiago
Fabre en su confesion dada ante el Señor
reduced jail space and small numbers of troops to
guard them together; but after with what he told him the
Commander ordered them to be apprehended again and
that was when the Black who drowned threw himself into the water
whose name and that of his master
he does not remember and he responds--
Asked if this Black who he says drowned
had given his declaration previously? he said:
that if he was included in those who were taken
prisoner he would have given his declaration, but that he cannot
verify either, although he heard it said
that he had thrown himself in the water the second
time that he was going to be apprehended and he responds--
Asked why he was not present
at the declarations of those of the Patrol? he said:
it was because he was sick and he responds--
Reminded as he has said all the above
that the Black Jaco de Santiago
Fabre in his confession given before the
guard them together; but after with what he told him the
Commander ordered them to be apprehended again and
that was when the Black who drowned threw himself into the water
whose name and that of his master
he does not remember and he responds--
Asked if this Black who he says drowned
had given his declaration previously? he said:
that if he was included in those who were taken
prisoner he would have given his declaration, but that he cannot
verify either, although he heard it said
that he had thrown himself in the water the second
time that he was going to be apprehended and he responds--
Asked why he was not present
at the declarations of those of the Patrol? he said:
it was because he was sick and he responds--
Reminded as he has said all the above
that the Black Jaco de Santiago
Fabre in his confession given before the
Previous document:
Notification of Fernando Rodriguez (September 18, 1792)