preguntase y que le sucedio lo mismo, y que
solo le dixo el Comandante que si queria
matar blancos, y respondio que no por
cuyo motivo le dieron golpes, y le rompieron
una Camisa y un Capote que llevaba
puestos, y que todo lo demas de aquella decla
racion es falso: que el Negro Cofi esclavo
de Jacinto Chis en la suya que comien
za a foxas cientos y diez y siete y concluye
en la ciento veinte y una en la decima
pregunta y respuesta que se acaba de leer
niega lo contenido en la declaracion del
Comandante y añade los particulares
contrarios a ella: que el Negro Hata de
Colin Lacour en la que comienza a la
vuelta de foxas ciento y veinte y siete y
se suspendio en la ciento y veinte y ocho,
continuada a la ciento y treinta y con
cluye en la ciento y treinta y quatro
solo le dixo el Comandante que si queria
matar blancos, y respondio que no por
cuyo motivo le dieron golpes, y le rompieron
una Camisa y un Capote que llevaba
puestos, y que todo lo demas de aquella decla
racion es falso: que el Negro Cofi esclavo
de Jacinto Chis en la suya que comien
za a foxas cientos y diez y siete y concluye
en la ciento veinte y una en la decima
pregunta y respuesta que se acaba de leer
niega lo contenido en la declaracion del
Comandante y añade los particulares
contrarios a ella: que el Negro Hata de
Colin Lacour en la que comienza a la
vuelta de foxas ciento y veinte y siete y
se suspendio en la ciento y veinte y ocho,
continuada a la ciento y treinta y con
cluye en la ciento y treinta y quatro
question him and that the same thing happened to him, and that
the Commander only asked if he wanted to
kill whites, and when he responded no they
hit him, and they ripped
a Shirt and a Coat that he had
on, and that all the rest of that
declaration is false: that the Black Cofi slave
of Jacinto Chis in his declaration which begins
on page one hundred and seventeen and concludes
on one hundred twenty one in the tenth
question and response which has just been read
denies the content in the declaration of the
Commander and adds opposing
details to it: that Colin Lacour’s Black
Hata in the declaration which begins on
the back of page one hundred and twenty seven
and was suspended on one hundred and twenty eight,
continuing on one hundred and thirty and concludes
on one hundred and thirty four
the Commander only asked if he wanted to
kill whites, and when he responded no they
hit him, and they ripped
a Shirt and a Coat that he had
on, and that all the rest of that
declaration is false: that the Black Cofi slave
of Jacinto Chis in his declaration which begins
on page one hundred and seventeen and concludes
on one hundred twenty one in the tenth
question and response which has just been read
denies the content in the declaration of the
Commander and adds opposing
details to it: that Colin Lacour’s Black
Hata in the declaration which begins on
the back of page one hundred and twenty seven
and was suspended on one hundred and twenty eight,
continuing on one hundred and thirty and concludes
on one hundred and thirty four
Previous document:
Notification of Fernando Rodriguez (September 18, 1792)