dante en sus declaraciones, y responde
Vuelta a reconvenir como dice que el Co-
mandante era quien escrivia, siendo asi
que de las declaraciones corrientes desde foxas
trescientos treinta y quatro vuelta hasta las
trescientos quarenta y ocho consta que el
declarante escribia o hacia apuntes, que
firmaron en este presente proceso, y no
en aquel que se dice testimonio; dixo que se
remite a los autos y a lo que tiene dicho y
Y que lo que lleva dicho y declarado es la
verdad en cargo del juramento que ha
prestado en que se afirmo y ratifcio leida
que le fue esta su declaracion expre
sando que es de edad de quaranta
y dos anos y la firmo con su Senoria
Vuelta a reconvenir como dice que el Co-
mandante era quien escrivia, siendo asi
que de las declaraciones corrientes desde foxas
trescientos treinta y quatro vuelta hasta las
trescientos quarenta y ocho consta que el
declarante escribia o hacia apuntes, que
firmaron en este presente proceso, y no
en aquel que se dice testimonio; dixo que se
remite a los autos y a lo que tiene dicho y
Y que lo que lleva dicho y declarado es la
verdad en cargo del juramento que ha
prestado en que se afirmo y ratifcio leida
que le fue esta su declaracion expre
sando que es de edad de quaranta
y dos anos y la firmo con su Senoria
in his declarations is true, and responds
Returning to the counterclaim as he says that the
Commander was the one who wrote, being
that in the declarations running from the back of page
three hundred thirty four until
three hundred forty eight it is clear that the
declarant was writing or taking notes, that
they signed in this current trial, and not
in the one which was called testimony; he said that
he abided by the reports and what he had said and
he responds--
And that what he said and declared is the
truth under the oath he
took in which he confirmed and ratified as read
that this was his declaration saying
that he is forty two years
old and he signed it with his Honor
Returning to the counterclaim as he says that the
Commander was the one who wrote, being
that in the declarations running from the back of page
three hundred thirty four until
three hundred forty eight it is clear that the
declarant was writing or taking notes, that
they signed in this current trial, and not
in the one which was called testimony; he said that
he abided by the reports and what he had said and
he responds--
And that what he said and declared is the
truth under the oath he
took in which he confirmed and ratified as read
that this was his declaration saying
that he is forty two years
old and he signed it with his Honor
Previous document:
Notification of Fernando Rodriguez (September 18, 1792)