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Nueva Orleans a 20 de Setiembre de 1792
Respecto a estar enfermo el Negro Libre
Antonio Cofi Ynterprete nombrado en estos
autos para los Negros Minas, nombrase
en su lugar al negro libre Juan Bau-
tista, a quien se hara saber para que
accepte y Jure por medio de los dos otros
Ynterpretes nombrados p.a el Ydioma Frances
cuya diligencia se comete al presente Es.no
Ante mi
Pedro Pedesclaux
Es.no Pub.co
New Orleans September 20 1792
Since the Free Black Antonio Cofi
appointed Interpreter in these
declarations for the Minas Blacks is ill,
let the free black Juan Bautista be appointed in his place
who will be informed so that he
accept and Swear by way of the other two
appointed Interpreters for the French Language
which task is given to the present Scribe
Before me
Pedro Pedesclaux
Notary Public