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Preguntado si las declaraciones, que acaba de
reconocer y decir que asistio a ellas, como tam-
bien las de los de la patrulla fueron escritas
en el mismo acto de estar declarado los res
pectivos individuos contenidos en ellas? dixo: que
a excepcion de las de los de la Patrulla de quien-
nes no puede dar razon, asegura que las
otras fueron escritas en el mismo acto, y son
las referidas que ha reconocido en este y res
Preguntado de quien es la letra de dichas
declaraciones? dixo: que del comandante D.n
Valentin Leblanc y responde----
Preguntado si asistio el Ynterprete a
todas las dichas declaraciones y quien lo fue?
dixo: Que el interprete nombrado fue D.n
Ysac Fastiau, cuyo nombramiento se hizo
por forma y no asistio a declaracion alguna
de las que presencio el declarante; bien que
Asked if the declarations, which he has just
recognized and said that he attended, as well as
those of the patrol were written
at the same time as they were declared by the
respective individuals contained in them? he said: that
with the exception of those of the Patrol which he
cannot attest to, he confirms that the
others were written at the same time, and are
the same ones he has recognized here and he
Asked whose handwriting is on the said
declarations? he said: that of the commander Don
Valentin Leblanc and he responds--
Asked if the Interpreter attended
all the said declarations and who was it?
he said: That the named interpreter was Don
Ysac Fastiau, who was appointed
pro forma and he did not attend any declaration
which the declarant attended; although
