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asertivamente su edad, y si dixeron tam
bien que juraban por Dios y la Cruz
o por algun Ydolo o secta? dixo: que no sa
biendo decir cada uno su edad, se les preguntaba
si tenian aquellos años que representaban;
y ellos decian que si poco mas o menos, y que
todos juraron por Dios y la cruz y responde----
Preguntado si los Negros estaban presos
quando se los recivieron sus declaraciones
o si los fueron despues? dixo: que todos estaban
presos y responde----
Preguntado si no obstante de que dice
que estaban presos fueron despues embiados
a sus amos? dixo: que haviendo ido el decla-
rante al fuerte como huviese sabido antes
que se havian vuelto algunos Negros a sus
amos le dixo al Comandante que aquello no
era bueno, quien lo contesto que lo havia hecho
por el motivo de que la pieza que sirve de
absolutely their age, and if they said
also that they swore by God and the Cross
or by some Idol or sect? he said: that not
knowing each of them how to say their age, they were asked
if they were the age they appeared to be,
and they said that yes more or less, and that
all swore by God and the cross and he responds--
Asked if the Blacks were prisoners
when their declarations were taken
or if they were taken prisoner after? he said: that all were
prisoners and he responds--
Asked if despite the fact he says
they were prisoners they were later sent
to their masters? he said that having himself gone
to the fort as he had before found out that
some Blacks had been returned to their
masters he told the Commander that this was not
good, who answered him that he had done it
because of the problem he has of
