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en la octava respuesta que se acaba de leer
contradice la declaracion del Comandante y
asegura que le daban golpes y no le dejaban
hablar: que el Negro Josef esclavo de D.n Juan
Bautista Tounoir, en la que comienza a foxas
ciento y treinta y quatro y concluye en la cien
to treinta y ocho, en la octaba respuesta que
tambien se acaba de leer tambien contradi
ce la declaracion dada ante el Coman-
dante con las circumstancias que en
ella expresa, y explica en esta que Ja
co de la Viuda Leblond en la suya que co
mienza a vuelta de foxas ciento treinta
y ocho y concluye a ciento quarenta y tres
vuelta en la decima respuesta niega el
contendio de la declaracion ante el co-
mandante exeptuando lo que se refiere
en esta respuesta que se acaba de leer:
in the eighth response which has just been read
contradicts the declaration of the Commander and
asserts that they hit him and did not let him
speak: that the Black Josef slave of Don Juan
Bautista Tounoir, in the declaration that begins on page
one hundred thirty four and concludes on
one hundred thirty eight, in the eighth response which
was also just read also contradicts
the declaration given before the Commander
with the circumstances he discloses
and explains there that the Widow
Leblond’s Jaco in his declaration which begins
on the back of page one hundred thirty
eight and concludes on the back of one hundred forty three
in the tenth response denies the
contents of the declaration before the commander
excepting that which is referred to
in this response which was just read:
