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preguntaba y Ynterpretaba, y si aquellos
y este se entedian reciprocamente, dejando
les explicar todo quanto ellos queria? dixo:
Que en el idoma frances; que el mismo Co
mandante los preguntaba e Ynterpretaba,
quien decia a el declarante en frances o mal
español lo que contestaban, quando no los en
tendia el mismo que declara por hablar el
frances criollo de los Negros y entonces se lo
dictaba al mismo Comandante en buen Español
y segun estilo quien lo escribia como tiene dicho:
que se entendian muy bien el Ynterrogante
e Ynterrogados, sabiendo esto el que declara por
que tambien entiende, quasi lo mismo que
un Criollo aquel lenguage, y bastantemente
el frances, haviendoles dejado hablar todo
quanto quisieron, sin apremio ni fuerza y
Preguntado si los dichos declarantes dixeron
them and Interpreted for them, and if they and
he understood each other, letting
them explain all that they wanted to? he said
That in the French language; that the same
Commander questioned them and Interpreted for them,
he told the declarant in French or bad
Spanish what they answered, when he himself
did not understand what they were saying because they were speaking
the creole French of the Blacks and then he
dictated it to the said Commander in good Spanish
and according to custom who wrote it down as it was said:
that the Interrogator and those Interrogated understood each other very
well, the declarant knows this because
he also understands, almost as much as
a Creole that language, and sufficient
French, having let them speak as much
as they wanted, without urgency nor force and
he responds--
Asked if the said declarants said
