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fue advertido para ello, y acceptado el encar-
go, como no concurrio procedio solo dicho
Comandante y responde----
Preguntado: quienes fueron los testigos de
asistencia, y si esto presenciaron todas las
dichas declaraciones? dixo: que lo fueron
D.n Ricardo de Rieutord, y Diego Ortiz, y que
ambos asistian a ratos y otros, salia cada
uno o juntos o separados a sus quehazeres
y volvian, por vivir fronteros a la casa del
Comandante y responde-----
Preguntado si los dichos testigos de asis-
tencia firmaban inmediatamente que
se concluya cada una de dichas declaracio
nes? dixo: que si se encontraban alli fir
maban entonces, y quando no firmaban
despues las que estaban evacuadas y res-
Preguntado en que idoma fueron exami
nados los Negros y testigos quien les
he was notified, and accepted the role,
as he did not appear the said
Commander proceeded alone and he responds--
Asked: who were the attesting
witnesses, and if they attended all the
said declarations? he said: that they were
Don Ricardo de Rieutord, and Diego Ortiz, and that
both came from time to time and at others, one or
both left together or separately for their duties
and returned, because they lived opposite the
Commander’s house and he responds--
Asked if the said attesting witnesses
signed immediately upon
conclusion of each of the said declarations?
he said: that if they were found there they signed then, and when they were not
they signed afterwards those which were carried out and he
Asked in which language the Blacks
and witnesses were examined who questioned
