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del nombrado Ternant en la que comienza
a foxas ciento setenta y quatro vuelta y
finalisa en la ciento ochenta y dos dice ser
falso en various pasages que refiere y se
acaban de leer, lo que se afirmo por el Co-
mandante haver declarado ante el: Que
la Negra Venus en la que dio desde foxas
doscientos cinquenta y siete vuelta ante el
presente Escrivano hasta la doscientos y
setenta que se leyo en este acto niega el
pasage de los tres cuchillos y lo que se refiere
haver dicho al Comandante no saber adonde
fue Dique, despues que la dixo, que el levanta-
miento devia ser al dia siguiente a las doze
de la noche: Todo lo qual comprueba que
no es verdad lo que el declarante tiene
dicho en sus antecedentes respuestas?
dixo: Que es falso lo que dicen aora los
Negros, y verdad lo que escrivio el Coman-
belonging to the aforementioned Ternant in the declaration which begins
on the back of page one hundred seventy four and
ends on page one hundred eighty two he says that
various passages are false, which he refers to and
have just been read, of that which the Commander
confirmed he had declared before him: That
the Black Venus in the declaration she gave from the back of page
two hundred fifty seven before the
present Scribe to page two hundred
and seventy which was read in this proceeding denies the
passage about the three knives and what was reported
that she said to the Commander that she did not know where
Dique went, that she said after, that the uprising
was to be the following day at
midnight: All of which proves that
what the declarant has said
in his previous responses is not true?
he said: That what the Blacks say now is false,
and what the Commander wrote
