la Religion de San Juan Coronel de los R.s Extos
Governador yntendente gral, y vice Patrono Real de
las Provincias de la Luisiana y Florida occidental
e Ynspector de las tropas veteranos y milicias de
ellas por su M. y vice Patrono Rl acompanado
del Senor D.n Manuel Serrano Asesor de
esta Yntendencia comparecio D.n Fernando Ro
driguez Escrivano Real de quien su Senoria
por antemi el Escrivano recivio juramento que lo
hizo por Dios Nuestro Señor y una Senal de Cruz
conforme a dro bajo el que ofrecio decir verdad en
lo que supiere y fuere preguntado, y en su vir
tud se le hicieron las preguntas siguientes--
Preguntado si estaba en la Punta Cortada quan
do se hizo la Sumaria contra los Negros Mi
nas sobre el contenido de que intentaban sub
levarse contra los habitantes de aquel puesto
dixo: que si y responde----
Preguntado si estubo presente a todas y cada
una de las declaraciones que en dicha sumaria
se hallan desde la foxa diez y siete vuelta
Governador yntendente gral, y vice Patrono Real de
las Provincias de la Luisiana y Florida occidental
e Ynspector de las tropas veteranos y milicias de
ellas por su M. y vice Patrono Rl acompanado
del Senor D.n Manuel Serrano Asesor de
esta Yntendencia comparecio D.n Fernando Ro
driguez Escrivano Real de quien su Senoria
por antemi el Escrivano recivio juramento que lo
hizo por Dios Nuestro Señor y una Senal de Cruz
conforme a dro bajo el que ofrecio decir verdad en
lo que supiere y fuere preguntado, y en su vir
tud se le hicieron las preguntas siguientes--
Preguntado si estaba en la Punta Cortada quan
do se hizo la Sumaria contra los Negros Mi
nas sobre el contenido de que intentaban sub
levarse contra los habitantes de aquel puesto
dixo: que si y responde----
Preguntado si estubo presente a todas y cada
una de las declaraciones que en dicha sumaria
se hallan desde la foxa diez y siete vuelta
of the Religion of San Juan Colonel of the Royal Armies
Governor, general intendant, and Royal vice Patron of
the Provinces of Louisiana and western Florida
and Inspector of their veteran troops and militias
by his Majesty and Royal vice Patron accompanied
by the Licenciado Don Manuel Serrano Advisor to
the Intendant the Royal Scribe Don Fernando
Rodriquez appeared from whom his lordship
before me the Scribe received an oath made
before God Our Lord and a Sign of the Cross
according to law under which he agreed to tell the truth
as he knew it and was asked, and was accordingly
asked the following questions--
Asked if he was in Punta Cortada when
the Summary trial was conducted against the Minas Blacks
about the fact they were attempting to rise up
against the residents of that post
he said: that yes and he responds--
Asked if he was present at each and every
one of the declarations which are found in said summary trial
from the back of page seventeen
Governor, general intendant, and Royal vice Patron of
the Provinces of Louisiana and western Florida
and Inspector of their veteran troops and militias
by his Majesty and Royal vice Patron accompanied
by the Licenciado Don Manuel Serrano Advisor to
the Intendant the Royal Scribe Don Fernando
Rodriquez appeared from whom his lordship
before me the Scribe received an oath made
before God Our Lord and a Sign of the Cross
according to law under which he agreed to tell the truth
as he knew it and was asked, and was accordingly
asked the following questions--
Asked if he was in Punta Cortada when
the Summary trial was conducted against the Minas Blacks
about the fact they were attempting to rise up
against the residents of that post
he said: that yes and he responds--
Asked if he was present at each and every
one of the declarations which are found in said summary trial
from the back of page seventeen
Previous document:
Notification of Fernando Rodriguez (September 18, 1792)