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Avis de L’assesseur
Haviendome Vs prevenado por re ofizio de
dos del Corr:te que biniese a este Fuerte dela
Punta Cortt.a para asesorar alos Comand.te,
D.n Guillermo Duparc y D.n Josef Basquez
Vaamonde en el proceso, que devian hacer, Con.ro
los esclavos, que tenian tratada una suble-
bacion, y matar alos blancos, adviertendos
VS que el dicho proceso fuese extraordinario
Advice of the Assessor
Having been alerted by royal missive
on the second of the current month that I should come to this the Fort
of Punta Cortada to advise the Commanders
Don Guillermo Duparc and Don Josef Basquez
Vaamonde in the trial, which they were to perform, regarding
the slaves, who had planned an uprising,
and to kill the whites, informing
you that said trial was extraordinary
