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[sito], dela aprobacion del Tribunal Superior
porque el Caso no sufre retardo. Como dic
tamen dado en la Punta Cortt.a a 19 de Mayo
de 1795 entre reglones Bapt.a Alain= Vale
emenddo el esclavo tertado de D.n agustin
alain novale mangloar de Lois Godoy y[d.n]
Lic.do Man.l Serrano
the requirement of the approval of the Superior Tribunal
because the Case cannot be delayed. This is the judgement
given in Punta Cortada on the 19th of May
1795 between the lines Bapt.a Alain = is correct
ammended "el esclavo tertado de D.n agustin
alain" is not correct mangloar de Lois Godoy y [d.n]
is correct
Licenciado Manuel Serrano
