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tando el pequeño Pedro Dufur Que Josef Bo
yavale y Jorge Rochembur asistan aber
la execucion, pues aunque no seles a Justi
ficado plenamente que aconsejaban la
empresa, Como quiera que esta probado, q.e
les ablaban y daban esperanzas, dela liber
tad; persuadiendoles, que ya la tenian, tod.s
los esclavos; basta esto para la Citada pena
y la deser destinados apresidios por [seis]
años. Con proibicion de regresar a esta, pro
vincia, Vajo el apercibimiento de que
seran Tratados Como Coresponda. Que Juan
Jorgò Italiano, Remero de marcos [Liche]
por haversele Justificado con un Testigo
que aconsejaba a los negros yziesen lo mis
mo, que en el Guarico sea estrañado, fu
era, dela Provincia, Con Ygual proibicion
deno bolber a ella. Que lomismo se ejecute
Con el Negro Nicolas, de D.n Lorenzo [Segun)]
el que se alla preso aqui) dandosele antes
beinte azotes por el berdugo, por que tambi
en hablo dela libertad. Yque selede esta, al Ne
gro Juan Bap.ta Herero, Como tambien alg.a
gratificacion, ala Negra María Luisa, y
alas Yndias Magdalena Y Francisca, por
cuyo medio supo el Comandante, Don
[resulting from the testimony of little Pedro Dufur] that Josef
Boyavale and Jorge Rochembur helped in
the matter, so although it has not been fully proven
that they advised the
enterprise, and As you wish that it be proven, that
they talked to them and gave them hope of liberty;
persuading them, that all slaves already
had it; that is enough for the aforementioned punishment
and that of being sent to presidios for [six]
years. With the prohibition of returning to this province,
being warned that if so
they will be treated as deemed appropriate. Let Juan
Jorgò the Italian, rower for Marcos [Liche]
having been proven with one Witness
that he advised the blacks to do the same
as in Guarico, be exiled from the
Province, with the Same prohibition to
not return to it. That the same be done
With the Black Nicolas, belonging to Don Lorenzo (according
to whom he is held here) giving him beforehand
twenty lashes by the hangman, because he also
talked about freedom. And let the same punishment be given to the Black
Juan Baptista Herero, as well as some
reward given to the Black María Luisa, and
to the Indians Magdalena and Francisca, who
alerted the Commander, Don
