hizo aprender, Almulato Ant.o Sarazen, es
clabo de D.n Julian Podras con otros delos Com
plizes; Consta ygualm.te; que arestados estos
Yntentaron los otros Complices, que aun no
estaban descubiertos matar alos dela Patru
lla; libertar a Sarazen, y asus parciales, y Con
tinuar sus atrocidades dando muerte a todo[s]
los blancos y dejando solam.te alas mujeres
para serbirse de ellas, y que esto tanpoco, tu
bo efecto, porq.e lo supo el otro Comandante
y previno labihilancia a todos los vecinos;
se ve Confesado tanbien, que devian Comen-
zar por quemar al techo del horno dela
habitacion del citado Podras para llamar alli
la atencion y Concurencia, y lograr mejor
su Yntento, es evidente, que estos esclavos se
proponian poner en ejequzion sus deprava
dos de signios vajo el Barvaro deseño delos
del Guarico, y nadie puede dudar, que asi
este perverso exemplar, como ygualmente
las maliciosas Conversaciones, y falsas Nue
bas, que les hacian varios blancos, y Negros
han sido el ympulso, que les animo, attratar
de esta espantosa [enplesa] lo qual segun se
clabo de D.n Julian Podras con otros delos Com
plizes; Consta ygualm.te; que arestados estos
Yntentaron los otros Complices, que aun no
estaban descubiertos matar alos dela Patru
lla; libertar a Sarazen, y asus parciales, y Con
tinuar sus atrocidades dando muerte a todo[s]
los blancos y dejando solam.te alas mujeres
para serbirse de ellas, y que esto tanpoco, tu
bo efecto, porq.e lo supo el otro Comandante
y previno labihilancia a todos los vecinos;
se ve Confesado tanbien, que devian Comen-
zar por quemar al techo del horno dela
habitacion del citado Podras para llamar alli
la atencion y Concurencia, y lograr mejor
su Yntento, es evidente, que estos esclavos se
proponian poner en ejequzion sus deprava
dos de signios vajo el Barvaro deseño delos
del Guarico, y nadie puede dudar, que asi
este perverso exemplar, como ygualmente
las maliciosas Conversaciones, y falsas Nue
bas, que les hacian varios blancos, y Negros
han sido el ympulso, que les animo, attratar
de esta espantosa [enplesa] lo qual segun se
and apprehended the Mulato Antonio Sarazen, slave
of Don Julian Podras with other accomplices;
It is also clear, that once these were arrested
the other accomplices, who had not yet
been discovered, attempted to kill the members of the
Patrol; free Sarazen, and his companions, and Continue
their atrocities killing all
the whites and leaving only the women
to make use of them, and that this also, did
not happen, because the other Commander found out
and advised all the inhabitants to be vigilant;
it has also been confessed, that they were to Begin
by burning the roof of the oven in the said Podras'
house to draw attention and
an Audience, and better achieve
their Intention, it is evident, that these slaves
proposed to execute their depraved
plans on the savage model of those of
Guarico, and nobody can doubt, that given
this perverse example, that also the
malicious conversations, and false
news, that various whites and Blacks gave to them,
were the impetus that drove them, to attempt
this horrifying thing which according to
of Don Julian Podras with other accomplices;
It is also clear, that once these were arrested
the other accomplices, who had not yet
been discovered, attempted to kill the members of the
Patrol; free Sarazen, and his companions, and Continue
their atrocities killing all
the whites and leaving only the women
to make use of them, and that this also, did
not happen, because the other Commander found out
and advised all the inhabitants to be vigilant;
it has also been confessed, that they were to Begin
by burning the roof of the oven in the said Podras'
house to draw attention and
an Audience, and better achieve
their Intention, it is evident, that these slaves
proposed to execute their depraved
plans on the savage model of those of
Guarico, and nobody can doubt, that given
this perverse example, that also the
malicious conversations, and false
news, that various whites and Blacks gave to them,
were the impetus that drove them, to attempt
this horrifying thing which according to
Previous document:
Notification (May 22, 1795)
Next document:
Letter from Carondelet (May 22, 1795)