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Guillermo Duparc, esta Con juracion, pues este
exemplar no solo animará a otros para denu[n]
ciar semejantes proyectos sino que sera para
Contener alos malos por el Tema de ser des-
cubiertos, y para que la ama de Juan Bap.ta
no Sufra perjuicio, me parece que selede su ba
lor, recojiendose de Toda la Provincia; exceptuandose
este puesto, por lo mucho, que pierden los havitan
tes Con la falta de estos esclavos lo que se veri
ficara en el modo que a VS le paresca mas Con
forme y que seaga lo mismo para el pago dela
dha gratificazion, dela Negra, y hindias los dro.s
del escriviente, y testigos de sistencia, y [gast.s]
dela ejecucion de Justicia, que los esclavos, Va
lentin de Nicolet Cesar de la Viuda Lacour, Jaco
bo del mismo Nicolet, y Josef Poulard Poydras, q.e
estan fuera del puesto, sean aprendidos, y exa
minados al tenor de la sita que les hacen los reos,
para substanciareles su Causa, y ultimamente,
se deven hacer diligencias para averiguar
donde se alla pedro Canela y ver si se prueva
que dos remeros, George que fue esclavo de, m.a
Moreau y un mulato nombrado Dominique,
ablaron dela libertad delos esclavos segun se
les Cita en las fojas, Cincuenta y Seis; y que se
ejegute la sentencia de este proceso sin el [requis]
Guillermo Duparc, to this conspiracy, since
this example will not only encourage others to denounce
similar plots but it will also
contain the bad ones due to the Possibility of
being discovered, and so that the mistress of Juan Baptista
not suffer damage, it seems that she should be given his
value, raising it from All the Province; excepting
this post, because of the large amount that the inhabitants
are losing with the lack of those slaves which will be
effectuated in the manner that seems most fitting to
You and that the same be done for the payment of the
said reward, of the Black and Indian women, the fees of
the scribe and the attesting witnesses, and costs
of carrying out Justice, that the slaves, Valentin
of Nicolet Cesar belonging to Widow Lacour, Jacobo
of the same Nicolet, and Josef Poulard Poydras, who
are away from the post, be apprehended, and
questioned about what is ascribed to them by the prisoners,
to substantiate their Case, and finally,
measures should be taken to find out
where pedro Canela is and see if it is proven that
two rowers, George who was the slave of [Ma]
Moreau and a multatto named Dominique,
spoke of slaves freedom as they have been cited
as doing on page Fifty Six; and that
the sentence from this trial be executed without
