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declara en la actuacion devia de ser gene
ral entoda la Provincia
esta circustancia la atrocidad del hecho
que yntentaban cometer los esclavos
de este Puesto, y la necesidad de un Casti
go, exemplar me hacen formar el dic
tamen, de que todos los que se allan Confesos
y los, que estan Convictos, sean guzga
dos, Como verdaderos motores y prin
cipales Cabezas del [motin], ó lebanta
miento jeneral praticado, premiditado,
y prevenido en toda la Provincia, y que
asi por esta raçon como por la atrocidad
del hecho, y perversas resultas; por im
poner el devido terror, y enmienda,
y para aseguarar a su Magestad estas
Provincias y las vidas, y haziendas, de
fieles vasallos es preciso que el Castigo
sea con la mayor Severidad, sin dete
nerlos el numero delos esclavos; que
deven morir; por ser dening.a Consi=
deracion respeto alos males que hu
bieran Causado, y porq.e ellos estaban
the declaration was to spread
throughout the Province
this circumstance, the atrocity of what
the slaves of this Post attempted
to commit, and the necessity of a
punishment as an example lead me to the judgement
that all that have confessed,
and those convicted, be judged
as true driving forces and Heads
of the [movement], or general
uprising taking place, planned,
and warned of in the whole Province, and
therefore for this reason as well as the atrocity
of the case, and wicked results; to impose
the necessary terror, and rectification,
and to make safe for his Majesty these
provinces and the lives, and dwellings, of
loyal vassals it is necessary that the Punishment
be the most Severe, without taking
into account the number of slaves who
should die; being of no consideration
in comparison with the evils that they
have Caused, and because they were
