esclavo de Santiago Fa
bre y responde
Preguntado quien lo pre
dio adonde por que causa
y si la presume Dijo que
una patrulla de milicianos
que buscavan los negros
de la Nacion Mina lo
aprehendieron y conduje
ron al fuerte de este
Puesto y fue arrestado
en un calaboso de el
que ignora la causa de
bre y responde
Preguntado quien lo pre
dio adonde por que causa
y si la presume Dijo que
una patrulla de milicianos
que buscavan los negros
de la Nacion Mina lo
aprehendieron y conduje
ron al fuerte de este
Puesto y fue arrestado
en un calaboso de el
que ignora la causa de
slave of Santiago Fabre
and he responds
Asked who arrested
him where and for what reason
and if he knows He said that
a patrol of military officials
who were looking for blacks
from the Mina nation
apprehended him brought
him to the fort of this
Station and he was held
in a dungeon there
that he does not know why
and he responds
Asked who arrested
him where and for what reason
and if he knows He said that
a patrol of military officials
who were looking for blacks
from the Mina nation
apprehended him brought
him to the fort of this
Station and he was held
in a dungeon there
that he does not know why
Previous document:
Declaration of Pedro Chamba (July 9, 1791)
Next document:
Declaration of Caesar (July 11, 1791)