Preguntado para que esta
va armado de fucil y
demas que contenia otro sa
co Dijo que como oyo de
cir que los Franceses que
rian tomar todos los
el Declarante queria
irse simarron y havia
ya partido con dho fucil
y demas que ha declara
do y que todo lo tomo
la otra Patrulla y responde
Y haviendoselo puesto de
va armado de fucil y
demas que contenia otro sa
co Dijo que como oyo de
cir que los Franceses que
rian tomar todos los
el Declarante queria
irse simarron y havia
ya partido con dho fucil
y demas que ha declara
do y que todo lo tomo
la otra Patrulla y responde
Y haviendoselo puesto de
Asked why he was
armed with the rifle and
the rest contained in the other
sack He said that as he heard it said
that the French wanted
to take them all
the Declarant wanted
to run away and had
already left with said rifle
and the rest that he has
declared and that the other
Patrol took it all and he responds
And having exhibited
armed with the rifle and
the rest contained in the other
sack He said that as he heard it said
that the French wanted
to take them all
the Declarant wanted
to run away and had
already left with said rifle
and the rest that he has
declared and that the other
Patrol took it all and he responds
And having exhibited
Previous document:
Declaration of Pedro Chamba (July 9, 1791)
Next document:
Declaration of Caesar (July 11, 1791)