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manifiesto el dho fucil saco
canutos calabasa y
Dijo que todo era to mismo
que traia consigo y dejo
fuera del mais y responde
Preguntado quien le dio
el fucil, el saco la polvora
y las postas, Dijo que
el fucil lo compro de Josef
criollo esclavo de Jorge
Bergeron, por cochinos que
le dio por el valor de Seis
pesos, y que la polvora
se la dio Francisco escla
vo de dho Jorge, y las
the said rifle bag
tubes gourd and
He said that it all was the same
that he was carrying with him and left
outside the corn and he responds
Asked who gave him
the rifle, the bag the powder
and the slugs, He said that
he bought the rifle from the creole
Josef slave of Jorge
Bergeron, for pigs that
he gave him for the value of Six
pesos, and that Francisco
slave of said Jorge gave
him the powder, and the
