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ni tampoco lo conocia Y en quinto finalmente
reconvino Dique a Venus expresandola como
aseguraba que Jaco havia llamado seis
vezes quando poco antes tenia dicho que lo
havia llamado tres de que se convenze que
se implica en su relacion, y no dice verdad:
sobre todo lo qual estuvieron reconociendose
los dos, y altercando por mucho tiempo; y fi-
nalmente cada uno de ells insistio y se
ratifico en lo que respectivamente havia
declarado diciendo ser la verdad bajo del
juramento que tienen hecho, y siendoles
leida esta diligencia por medio de los
Ynterpretes traducida al frances dixe
ron estar conforme a lo que han expuesto
diciendo que on de la la edad que tienen de-
clarada en sus declaraciones, y no firma-
and nor did he know him And finally, fifthly,
Dique challenged Venus telling her as she
claimed that Jaco had called six
times when a little before she had said that he
had called three times which convinced him that
she was implicated by her relationship and that she was not telling the truth:
about everything the two were disagreeing on,
and they argued for a long time; and
finally each of them insisted and stuck
to what each had respectively
declared saying that it was the truth under the oath
that they had given, and being
read this record through the
Interpreters translated to French they said
that it was in agreement with what they had said
saying that they were the age they had declared
in their declarations and they did not
