mo es francisca, y que es esclavo de D.n
Jorge Olivo vecino de la Falsa rivera en
el puesto de la Punta Cortada y res-
Preguntado si se acuerda haver
dado dos declaraciones en el proceso
que se sigue sobre averiguar en le-
vantamiento proyectado por varios
Negros del mismo puesto, la una ante
el Comandante de el D.n Valentin Le-
blanc y la otra ante mi el presente
Escrivano, y ultimamente otra esa cuan
do ciertas citas que se la havian he-
cho? dixo: Que si se acuerda haver hecho
las declaraciones que se le citan, y
Preguntada haviendosele leido en
este acto las tres referidas declaraciones
Jorge Olivo vecino de la Falsa rivera en
el puesto de la Punta Cortada y res-
Preguntado si se acuerda haver
dado dos declaraciones en el proceso
que se sigue sobre averiguar en le-
vantamiento proyectado por varios
Negros del mismo puesto, la una ante
el Comandante de el D.n Valentin Le-
blanc y la otra ante mi el presente
Escrivano, y ultimamente otra esa cuan
do ciertas citas que se la havian he-
cho? dixo: Que si se acuerda haver hecho
las declaraciones que se le citan, y
Preguntada haviendosele leido en
este acto las tres referidas declaraciones
is francisca, and that she is the slave of Don
Jorge Olivo resident of Falsa rivera on
the post of Punta Cortada and she responds
Asked if she remembers having
given two declarations in the trial
which is being conducted about verifying the
planned uprising of various
Blacks of the same post, one declaration before
the Commander Don Valentin
Leblanc and the other before me the present
Scribe, and lastly another this one in which
certain quotes had been attributed to her?
she said: That yes she remembered having made
the said declarations and
Asked after having read to her in
this proceeding the three mentioned declarations
Jorge Olivo resident of Falsa rivera on
the post of Punta Cortada and she responds
Asked if she remembers having
given two declarations in the trial
which is being conducted about verifying the
planned uprising of various
Blacks of the same post, one declaration before
the Commander Don Valentin
Leblanc and the other before me the present
Scribe, and lastly another this one in which
certain quotes had been attributed to her?
she said: That yes she remembered having made
the said declarations and
Asked after having read to her in
this proceeding the three mentioned declarations
Previous document:
Subpoena for Venus and Dique (September 5, 1792)
Next document:
Subpoena for Fernando Rodriguez (September 17, 1792)