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Y en este estado hizo su Mrd comparecer
al mencionado Negro Dique llamado Juan
Bautista por su nobre de Bautismo a
quien ante mi el Escrivano por medio de los
mismos Ynterpretes le recivio juramento que
lo hizo por Dios Nuestro Señor y una senal de
cruz conforme a dro bajo el que ofrecio decir
verdad en lo que supiere y fuere preguntado
y siendolo si se acuerda haver hecho una
declaracion ante el Comandante del
Puesto de Punta Cortada y otra ante su
Mrd el Senor Theniente Governador que
esta presente y si es cierto su contenido o qual
de las dos es la verdadera? dixo: que se
acuerda haver hecho las dos declaraciones
que se le citan y haviendosele leido en
este acto traduciendole al frances por
And at this point his Honor made appear
the aforementioned Black Dique with the
Baptismal name Juan Bautista
from whom before me the Scribe by way of the
same Interpreters he received the oath which was given
before God our Lord and a sign of the
cross according to law under which he agreed to tell
the truth as he knew it and was asked
and being asked if he remembered having made a
declaration before the Commander of
the Post of Punta Cortada and another before his
Honor the Lieutenant Governor who
is present and if the content is true or which
of the two is the true declaration? he said: that
he remembered having given the two declarations
mentioned to him and having had them read to him in
this hearing translated into French by
