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Nueva Orleans y Setiembre 5 de 1792
Comparesca la Negra Venus ante
el Señor Theniente Gobernador y Au-
ditor de Guerra, para que sea examinada
sobre lo que convenga interrogarla, y
se haga careo de ella con el Negro Juan
Bautista denominado vulgarmente
Dique, y con los otros Negros complicados
en este proceso, con quienes sea necesa
ria la proponia diligencia, a fin de
averiguar la verdad de lo expuesto en
sus respectivas declaraciones=
Ante mi
Pedro Pedesclaux
Esno. pubco.
New Orleans September 5 1792
Let the black Venus appear before
the Lieutenant General and
Judge-Advocate, so that she be examined
about matters deemed appropriate, and
that she be confronted in testimony with the Black Juan
Bautista commonly called
Dique, and with the other Blacks involved
in this trial, with whom it may be necessary
to have their records, in order to verify the truth of what was said in
their respective declarations=
Before me
Pedro Pedesclaux
Notary public