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los Ynterpretes nombrados las que constan
a fojas veinte y una y ciento setenta y qua
tro vuelta? dixo que la que dio ante su Mrd
el Señor Theniente Governador es la cierta
y verdadera y conforme lo expuso el de
clarante y responde
Reconvenido como que expuso la
Negra Venus en sus declaraciones
de foxas diez y ocho vuelta doscientos cin
quenta y quatro y trescientas quarenta y
nueve vuelta que se le leyeron por me
dio de los mencionados Ynterpretes en que
aseguro esta haver sido el declarante y no
el Negro Jaco, quien le dio la noticia del pro
yectado levantamiento de los Negros de la
Nacion Mina y Bambarra expresando
le que los principales de la sublevacion,
eran el dicho Jaco, el Negro Cesar, y otro
the aforementioned Interpreters those which appear
on pages twenty one and the back of one hundred
seventy four? he said that the one that he gave before his Honor
the Lieutenant Governor is true
and truthful and in agreement with what the declarant said
and he responded
Confronted with how the
Black Venus in her declarations
on the back of page eighteen and page two hundred fifty
four and the back of three hundred and forty
nine that were read to him by way
of the aforementioned Interpreters in which
she claimed that it was the declarant and not
the Black Jaco, who gave her the news of the
planned uprising of the Blacks of the
Mina and Bambarra Nation telling
her the leaders of the uprising,
were the said Jaco, the Black Cesar, and another
