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que no advirtio a decir que se le havia
visto al citado Negro Jaco un solo cuchillo
embainado a la cintura, y un gran sable
terciado que llevaba colgado y no otra
cosa y responde----
Reconvenida con lo que ha expuesto
el Negro Dique en su confesion de ciento
setenta y quatro vuelta sobre haver sido
la declarante la que dio la noticia del
levantamiento proyectado de los Negros
Minas, refiriendole que se la havia
comunicado el Negro Jaco con lo demas
que expresa el dicho Dique en el par
ticular? dixo: que es falso lo expuesto
por el citado Negro Dique como tiene
dicho en la primera declaracion que
dio ante mi el presente Escrivano y
but that she did not think to say that the aforementioned
Black Jaco had been seen with only one knife
sheathed at the waist, and a large short
sword which he was carrying and no other
thing and she responds--
Confronted with what
the Black Dique said in his confession on the back of
page one hundred seventy four about the declarant
having been the one to give notice
of the planned uprising of the Minas
Blacks, saying that
Black Jaco had told her with the rest
which the said Dique says?
she said: that what the aforementioned Black Dique
said is false as she has said in the first declaration she
gave before me the present Scribe and
she responds
