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Negro que estaba enfermo del pescueso contodo lo
demas que ha expuesto la dicha negra Venus
contrario a lo que ha referido el mismo Dique
en sus declaraciones dixo que es falso todo lo
que la citada Venus ha dicho, y que lo que ha re
lacionado en las suya el exponente es la
verdad y responde----
Y haviendose reconvenido mutuamente entre
si la memorada negra Venus y el insinua
do negro Dique sobre los pasages de que se
ha hecho mencion la redarguyo Dique a la
Venus diciendola en primer lugar que el no
podia haverla ido dar tal notica quando no
havia pensado en ir a la Cabaña de Venus
y que se paso alli fue porque ella misma
lemandò llamar por medio del Negro En-
rique obrero de D.n Jorge Olivo diciendole
que la llevara el Canasto que le havia pres-
Black who had a disease affecting his neck with all the
rest which the said black Venus said
contrary to what the said Dique claimed
in his declarations he said that all that
the aforementioned Venus said was false, and that which
he, the declarant, had related in his declarations was the
truth and responds--
And after having mutually contradicted each other
the aforementioned black Venus and said
black Dique about the passages which
were mentioned Dique challenged
Venus saying firstly to her that he could not
have gone to give her such news when
he had not planned to go to Venus’s Hut
and that he went there because she herself
called him by way of the Black Enrique
Don Jorge Olivo’s worker asking that
he bring her the Basket that he had
