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y dos años Estando en la sala de su estudio
el Señor D.n D.n Nicolas Maria Vidal
Theniente Governador y Auditor de Guerra
de esta Prov.a y Asesor gral del Gobierno
de ella en virtud de lo que se previene en
el decreto antecedente hizo comparecer
a Negra Venus esclava que dixo ser de
D.n Jorge Olivo de la que por medio de los
Ynterpretes D.n Juan Joseph Duforest y D.n
Daniel Mortimer, y por ante mi el Escri
vano recivio juramento que lo hizo por
Dios Nuestro Señor y una señal de cruz
conforme a dro bajo el que ofrecio decir
verdad en lo que supiere y fuere pregun
tada, y siendolo como se llama y si es libre
o esclava? dixo llamarse Venus en estilo
frances, pero que su nombre de bautis-
two Being in his study
Don Nicolas Maria Vidal
Lieutenant Governor and Judge-Advocate
of this Province and General Advisor to the Provincial
Government by virtue of what was prepared in
the previous decree made the
Black slave Venus appear who said she was owned by
Don Jorge Olivo, from whom by way of the
Interpreters Don Juan Joseph Duforest and Don
Daniel Mortimer, and before me the Scribe
he received the oath made before
God Our Lord and the sign of the cross
according to law under which she agreed to tell
the truth as she knew it and was asked
and being asked what her name was and if she is free
or a slave? she said she was named Venus in the French
style, but that her baptismal name
