mas de que no necesitaban de esto, porque
con sus proprias hachas irian contando
las Cabezas a los blancos, pasando de una
habitacion a otra y que comenzarian
por el nombrado Tournier, que tenia
fusiles, polvora, y balas en su almazen
y que sino tuviesen buen exito, el los
conduciria a un pais, en que estuviesen
seguros. Que al Negro Cofi, aunque no ha
bla bien el frances, comprehendio el
declarante que decia, que era bueno ma
tar a los Negros Minas, si mataban tam
bien al Negro Cesar; pero que no era
bueno matar a aquellos si dejaban a
Cesar, por que este des el año anterior
los estaba persuadiendo a levantarse
y matar los blancos: que al Negro de
Miguel Lejeune le oyo contestar que era
con sus proprias hachas irian contando
las Cabezas a los blancos, pasando de una
habitacion a otra y que comenzarian
por el nombrado Tournier, que tenia
fusiles, polvora, y balas en su almazen
y que sino tuviesen buen exito, el los
conduciria a un pais, en que estuviesen
seguros. Que al Negro Cofi, aunque no ha
bla bien el frances, comprehendio el
declarante que decia, que era bueno ma
tar a los Negros Minas, si mataban tam
bien al Negro Cesar; pero que no era
bueno matar a aquellos si dejaban a
Cesar, por que este des el año anterior
los estaba persuadiendo a levantarse
y matar los blancos: que al Negro de
Miguel Lejeune le oyo contestar que era
as the fact that they did not need this, because
with their own axes they would go counting
the whites’ Heads, going from one
residence to another and they would begin
with the named Tournier, who had
rifles, powder, and bullets in his storehouse
and that they were not successful, he would
bring them to a place, where they would be
safe. That as for the Black Cofi, although he did not
speak French well, the declarant understood
what he said, that it was good to kill
the Minas Blacks, if they also killed
the Black Cesar, but that it was not
good to kill them if they left
Cesar, because the latter for the past year
had been persuading them to rise up
and kill the whites: that he heard Miguel
Leujeune’s Black answer that it was
with their own axes they would go counting
the whites’ Heads, going from one
residence to another and they would begin
with the named Tournier, who had
rifles, powder, and bullets in his storehouse
and that they were not successful, he would
bring them to a place, where they would be
safe. That as for the Black Cofi, although he did not
speak French well, the declarant understood
what he said, that it was good to kill
the Minas Blacks, if they also killed
the Black Cesar, but that it was not
good to kill them if they left
Cesar, because the latter for the past year
had been persuading them to rise up
and kill the whites: that he heard Miguel
Leujeune’s Black answer that it was
Previous document:
Declaration of Eustaquio Bedel (January 18, 1793)
Next document:
Declaration of Alexandre Le Blanc (January 19, 1793)