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pero que tiene presente que el Negro Juan
Luis haviendose le preguntado si era verdad
que se havian hecho varias juntas en
su Cabaña, respondio que si, e interrogan
dosele sobre la sublevacion que havian
proyectado los Negros, contesto que la ha
via propuesto el Negro Cesar, y que no
obstante que el dicho Juan Luise se resis
tia a entrar en ella, havia consentido
por ultimo en fuerza de la persuasiones
de Cesar, a quien el mismo, y otros le havian
dicho, que como queria que se executase
quando no tenian armas para ello, a
que les respondio riendose y diciendo que
no fueran bovos, que supuesto que tenian
cochinos y gallinas podian verderlos y
comprar fusiles, polvora, y balas ade
but that he remembers that the Black Juan
Luis having asked him if it was true
that there had been several meetings in
his Hut, he responded that yes, and asking him
about the uprising that the Blacks
had planned, he answered that the
Black Cesar had proposed it, and that despite
the fact that the said Juan Luise resisted
getting involved in it, he had consented
in the end due to the force of Cesar’s
persuasion, to whom he himself, and others had
said, that how could it be achieved
when they did not have weapons for it, to
which he responded laughing and saying
don’t be stupid, that of course they had
pigs and hens they could sell them and
buy rifles, powder, and bullets as well
