a las quales concurrio Diego Ortiz que era
el que conducia a los dichos Negros para
examinarlos, pero que no haze memoria
fixa si estaba D.n Ricard de Rieutort
ni tampoco D.n ysaac Fastio; y si que se
hallaron presentes otras personas aunque
no se acuerda quienes eran y responde
Preguntado si a esos mismos Negros
a cuyas declaraciones, dice el exponente
haver asistido, o a alguno o algunos de los
otros les oyo confesar la proyectada suble
vacion o que huviesen referido algo so
bre ella en esa ocasion o en otras, y en que
terminos se explicaron, esprese todo
lo que sepa o haya oido con individua
lidad? dixo: que aunque por el tiempo
que ha pasado desde aquel suceso no se
acuerda bien de todas las circunstancias
el que conducia a los dichos Negros para
examinarlos, pero que no haze memoria
fixa si estaba D.n Ricard de Rieutort
ni tampoco D.n ysaac Fastio; y si que se
hallaron presentes otras personas aunque
no se acuerda quienes eran y responde
Preguntado si a esos mismos Negros
a cuyas declaraciones, dice el exponente
haver asistido, o a alguno o algunos de los
otros les oyo confesar la proyectada suble
vacion o que huviesen referido algo so
bre ella en esa ocasion o en otras, y en que
terminos se explicaron, esprese todo
lo que sepa o haya oido con individua
lidad? dixo: que aunque por el tiempo
que ha pasado desde aquel suceso no se
acuerda bien de todas las circunstancias
which Diego Ortiz attended that it was the latter
who brought the said Blacks to be
examined, but that he did not remember
well if Don Ricard de Rieutort was there
nor Don ysaac Fastio; and that other
people were present although
he cannot remember who they were and he responds
Asked if he heard these same Blacks
whose declarations the declarant says
he attended, or another or various of the
others confess the planned uprising
or referred to something about
it on that occasion or others, and in what
terms they expressed themselves, will he say all
that he knows or has heard about each individually?
he said: that although because of the time that has
passed since the event he does not
remember well all the circumstances
who brought the said Blacks to be
examined, but that he did not remember
well if Don Ricard de Rieutort was there
nor Don ysaac Fastio; and that other
people were present although
he cannot remember who they were and he responds
Asked if he heard these same Blacks
whose declarations the declarant says
he attended, or another or various of the
others confess the planned uprising
or referred to something about
it on that occasion or others, and in what
terms they expressed themselves, will he say all
that he knows or has heard about each individually?
he said: that although because of the time that has
passed since the event he does not
remember well all the circumstances
Previous document:
Declaration of Eustaquio Bedel (January 18, 1793)
Next document:
Declaration of Alexandre Le Blanc (January 19, 1793)