regularmente los Negros, y que en el mismo
respondian ellos, entendiendoles bien el de
clarante lo que decian, y advirtio que com
prehendian perfectamente los Negros lo
que se los interrogaba y responde
Y que lo que lleva dicho, y declarado es la
verdad en cargo de juramento que ha
prestado en que se afirmo y ratifico leida
que le fue esta su declaracion por medio
de los precitados Ynterpretes expresando
estar bien escrita que es de edad de cin
quenta y quatro años y la firmo con su
mrd e Ynterpretes de todo lo que doy
fee = enmendado = e = vale----
Vidal F.ois Allain Juan Josef Duforest
Daniel Mortimer
Pedro Pedesclaux
respondian ellos, entendiendoles bien el de
clarante lo que decian, y advirtio que com
prehendian perfectamente los Negros lo
que se los interrogaba y responde
Y que lo que lleva dicho, y declarado es la
verdad en cargo de juramento que ha
prestado en que se afirmo y ratifico leida
que le fue esta su declaracion por medio
de los precitados Ynterpretes expresando
estar bien escrita que es de edad de cin
quenta y quatro años y la firmo con su
mrd e Ynterpretes de todo lo que doy
fee = enmendado = e = vale----
Vidal F.ois Allain Juan Josef Duforest
Daniel Mortimer
Pedro Pedesclaux
normally speak, and that they responded
in the same, with the declarant understanding
well what they said, and he saw that the
Blacks understood perfectly what they
were asked and he responds
And that what he has said, and declared is the
truth under the oath he has
given which he confirmed and verified as read
to him this his declaration through
the said Interpreters saying
it was well written that he is fifty
four years old and he signed it with his
honor and the Interpreters all of which I
attest = the corrections =e = are valid--
Vidal François Allain Juan Josef Duforest
Daniel Mortimer
Before me
Pedro Pedesclaux
Notary Public
in the same, with the declarant understanding
well what they said, and he saw that the
Blacks understood perfectly what they
were asked and he responds
And that what he has said, and declared is the
truth under the oath he has
given which he confirmed and verified as read
to him this his declaration through
the said Interpreters saying
it was well written that he is fifty
four years old and he signed it with his
honor and the Interpreters all of which I
attest = the corrections =e = are valid--
Vidal François Allain Juan Josef Duforest
Daniel Mortimer
Before me
Pedro Pedesclaux
Notary Public
Previous document:
Declaration of Eustaquio Bedel (January 18, 1793)
Next document:
Declaration of Alexandre Le Blanc (January 19, 1793)