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despues que se le dio aviso al Comandante
de la proyectada sublevacion, no se acuerda
bien el que declara si fue en la noche del
dia nueve, o del diez del referido mes de
Julio, y responde----
Preguntado, que noticia dio al Co
mandante D.n Valentin Leblanc Eus
taquio Bedel a presencia del que decla
ra en la mañana del dia diez como
a las seis de ella sobre la aprehension
que una Patrulla de milicianos havia he
cho de un Negro, que estaba tocando a la
puerta de otro; y quales personas se halla
ron presentes ademas del declarante
quando Bedel refirio el Caso al Coman
dante? dixo: Que hallandose el declaran
te en la Galeria de su Casa con el Coman
dante D.n Valentin Leblanc y cree que
after the Commander was informed
of the planned uprising, the declarant
does not remember well if it was the night of the
ninth, or the tenth of the said month of
July, and he responds--
Asked, what news Eustaquio Bedel
gave to the Commander Don Valentin
Leblanc in the presence of the declarant
on the morning of the tenth at about
six in the morning about the capture
that a Patrol of militiamen had
made of a Black, who was knocking on the
door of another; and which people were
present in addition to the declarant
when Bedel referred the Case to the
Commander? he said: That with the declarant
finding himself in the Gallery of his House with the Commander
Don Valentin Leblanc and he believes that
