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no, ni les havian comunicado la especie
por que los consideraban muy amantes
de los blancos. Y finalmente que a nin
gunos otros Negros les ha oido decir el
declarante cosa alguna sobre la refe
rida sublevacion, y solo supo que la
Negra Venus havia sido la que havia
comunicado la primera noticia y
Preguntado en que idioma se les
hacian las interrogaciones a los tres
Negros a cuyas declaraciones dice ha
ver asistido el exponente, y en qual re
pondian ellos; y si entendio bien lo que
decian, y advirtio que comprehendian
perfectamente, lo que se los preguntaba?
dixo: que se les hazian las interrogaciones
en el Ydioma frances criollo que hablan
no, that they had not even been told about it
because they were considered to be very close
to the whites. And finally the declarant had
not heard any other Blacks say
anything about the said
uprising, and he only knew that the
Black Venus had been the one who had
communicated the first news of it and
he responds--
Asked in which language the three
Blacks had been questioned
whose declarations the declarant
says he attended, and in which
did they respond: and if he understood well what
they said, and noticed that they understood
perfectly, what they were being asked?
he said: that they were questioned
in the French creole Language that the Blacks
