Leblanc comandante que era entonces del Pues
to de Punta Cortada, de que los Negros Mi
nas proyectaban levantarse, estuvo de
ronda el declarante, y en compañia de que
personas, y si arrestaron algun Negro, o hal
laron algunos congregados en Cabañas, o
en desplobado? dixo. Que en la noche que se
le cita estuvo de Ronda el declarante con
el Comandante d.n Valentin Leblanc,y toda
ella la pasaron haciendo la patrulla con
algunos otros milicanos de cuyos nombres no
haze memoria sino solo del nombrado Du
fief, con el fin de impedir la Comunica
cion de los Negros del Puesto con los de la
Falsa Rivera; y que no arrestaron a nin
gun Negro, ni hallaron tampoco congre
gados algunos de ellos en Cabañas, ni en des
poblado, añadiendo que aunque esto fue
to de Punta Cortada, de que los Negros Mi
nas proyectaban levantarse, estuvo de
ronda el declarante, y en compañia de que
personas, y si arrestaron algun Negro, o hal
laron algunos congregados en Cabañas, o
en desplobado? dixo. Que en la noche que se
le cita estuvo de Ronda el declarante con
el Comandante d.n Valentin Leblanc,y toda
ella la pasaron haciendo la patrulla con
algunos otros milicanos de cuyos nombres no
haze memoria sino solo del nombrado Du
fief, con el fin de impedir la Comunica
cion de los Negros del Puesto con los de la
Falsa Rivera; y que no arrestaron a nin
gun Negro, ni hallaron tampoco congre
gados algunos de ellos en Cabañas, ni en des
poblado, añadiendo que aunque esto fue
commander of the Post of Punta Cortada
was warned that the Minas Blacks
were planning on revolting, if the declarant
was on his rounds, and in whose
company, and if they arrested any Black, or found
any congregated in Huts, or in a deserted
area? he said. That on the night
mentioned the declarant was on his Rounds with
the Commander don Valentin Leblanc, and they spent
the whole night on patrol with
some other militiamen whose names he does
not remember except that of the named
Dufief, with the goal of hampering the Communication
of the Blacks of the Post with those of
Falsa Rivera; and that they did not arrest any
Black, nor did they find any of them
congregated in Huts, or in a deserted
area, adding that although this was
was warned that the Minas Blacks
were planning on revolting, if the declarant
was on his rounds, and in whose
company, and if they arrested any Black, or found
any congregated in Huts, or in a deserted
area? he said. That on the night
mentioned the declarant was on his Rounds with
the Commander don Valentin Leblanc, and they spent
the whole night on patrol with
some other militiamen whose names he does
not remember except that of the named
Dufief, with the goal of hampering the Communication
of the Blacks of the Post with those of
Falsa Rivera; and that they did not arrest any
Black, nor did they find any of them
congregated in Huts, or in a deserted
area, adding that although this was
Previous document:
Declaration of Eustaquio Bedel (January 18, 1793)
Next document:
Declaration of Alexandre Le Blanc (January 19, 1793)