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tambien estaba presente D. Ricard de Rieu
tort pasaba por alli Eustaquio Bedel que
conducia algunos Negros al fuerte de orden
de dicho Comandante, y le pregunto este que
cosa havia de nuevo; a que le contesto el
referido Bedel, que una patrulla de milicia
nos le havia contado que aquella noche
havia encontrado aun Negro tocando a la
puerta de la Cabaña de otro, y que a que se
havia puesto en defensa con un cuchillo que
tenia en la mano, y que se le encontraron
algunos cartuchos de polvora y balas en
canutos de Cana en su saco, y que uno de los
milicianos de dicho patrulla se quejaba de
que le havia tirado algunas cuchilladas, y que
lo huviera herido sino lo huviesen sujetado
que esto fue lo unico que expuso Bedel y
Don Ricard de Rieutard was also there
Eustaquio Bedel went through there when
he led some Blacks to the fort on the orders
of said Commander, and the latter asked him what
news there was; to which the said Bedel
answered, that a patrol of militiamen
had told him that that night
they had found a Black knocking on the
door of another´s Hut, and that he had
defended himself with a knife that
he had in his hand, and that they found on him some
cartridges with powder and bullets in
tubes made of Reed in a bag, and that one of the
militiamen of said patrol was complaining that
he had stabbed at him a few times, and that
he would have hurt him if they had not restrained him
that this was all that Bedel said and
he responds----
