Preguntado qual fue la relacion que le
hizo Juan Bautista Bara al declarante
en la misma mañana del dia diez y que le
comunico el mismo declarante al Comandan
te D.n Valentin Leblanc sombre los par
ticulares que le conto la patrulla de la
falsa Rivera, con la que se encontro di
cho Bara? dixo: que por la tarde del mis
mo dia le hizo al declarante Juan Bautis
ta Bara la misma relacion que havia
hecho Eustaquio Bedel, de que le dio noticia
el que declara al Comandante y responde
Preguntado si asistio el exponente
a alguna o algunas declaraciones que die
ron los Negros que se consideraban
reos ante el Comandante D.n Valentin
Leblanc, especifique a quales de ellas; y
si concurrieron los testigos de asistencia
hizo Juan Bautista Bara al declarante
en la misma mañana del dia diez y que le
comunico el mismo declarante al Comandan
te D.n Valentin Leblanc sombre los par
ticulares que le conto la patrulla de la
falsa Rivera, con la que se encontro di
cho Bara? dixo: que por la tarde del mis
mo dia le hizo al declarante Juan Bautis
ta Bara la misma relacion que havia
hecho Eustaquio Bedel, de que le dio noticia
el que declara al Comandante y responde
Preguntado si asistio el exponente
a alguna o algunas declaraciones que die
ron los Negros que se consideraban
reos ante el Comandante D.n Valentin
Leblanc, especifique a quales de ellas; y
si concurrieron los testigos de asistencia
Asked what did Juan Bautista Bara
relate to the declarant
on the same morning of the tenth and what did
the same declarant communicate to the Commander
Don Valentin Leblanc about the
matters that the patrol of falsa Rivera told
him, which the said Bara had
met? he said that on the afternoon of the
same day Juan Bautista Bara told
the declarant the same thing that Eustaquio
Bedel had, that the declarant had informed
the Commander and he responds
Asked if the declarant attended
at any or various of the declarations that
the Blacks considered criminals
gave before the Commander Don Valentin
Leblanc, that he specify which of them; and
if the attesting witnesses Don Ricard
relate to the declarant
on the same morning of the tenth and what did
the same declarant communicate to the Commander
Don Valentin Leblanc about the
matters that the patrol of falsa Rivera told
him, which the said Bara had
met? he said that on the afternoon of the
same day Juan Bautista Bara told
the declarant the same thing that Eustaquio
Bedel had, that the declarant had informed
the Commander and he responds
Asked if the declarant attended
at any or various of the declarations that
the Blacks considered criminals
gave before the Commander Don Valentin
Leblanc, that he specify which of them; and
if the attesting witnesses Don Ricard
Previous document:
Declaration of Eustaquio Bedel (January 18, 1793)
Next document:
Declaration of Alexandre Le Blanc (January 19, 1793)