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habia oido decir alguna cosa a los
referidos negros en orden a la proyecta
da sulevacion y si habia asistido a
sus declaraciones; sobre que contesto que
solo habia presenciado las de los Negros
Jaco y Juan Luis? dixo: que como ha
ce algun tiempo que sucedieron estos
pasages no pudo hacer memoria por
el pronto de la circuntancia que ha
referido del Negro Cofi, y responde----
Preguntado quales otras personas
asistieron a las declaraciones de los
tres Negros en que se halló presente
el declarante; y si saber quienes
concurrieron a las de los demas? dixo
que a las tres declaraciones que ha
referido el declarante haber asitido
de los Negros Jacó, Juan Luis y Coffi,
unicamente se hallaron presentes
el Comandante D.n Valentin LeBlanc
heard the said blacks say
say something about the plan
of rising up and if he had attended their
declarations; to which he answered that
he had only attended those of the Blacks
Jaco and Juan Luis? he said: that as these
events had happened some time
ago he could not remember at
the time the detail that he had
said about the Black Cofi, and he responds--
Asked which other people
attended the declarations of the
three Blacks for which the declarant
was present; and if he knew who
attended those of the rest? he said
that for the three declarations that
the declarant had said he attended
of the Blacks Jacó, Juan Luis and Coffi,
only the Commander
Don Valentin Leblanc
