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que el intento de los Negros Minas no dexa
ba duda alguna; y le hizo la misma
relacion que habia hecho Eustaquio Bedel
añadiendo solamente el nombre del
Negro y de su Amo; como igualmente
que atras verran D.n Joseph Decuir con
un Detacamento conduciendo a unos Negros
Minas y que uno de ellos nombrado Petit
François, esclavo de Jorge Bergeron
habia declardo el intento de sublevarse?
dixo: que es cierto la cita que se le hace
por el dicho D.n Valentin LeBlanc de
haber ido en compañia del declarante al pasa
ge que expresa y encontrado alli a Do
minique Seizant que daba voces llamando
a un vecino para que acudiese con su
fusil, en cuya ocasion se habló y ocurrió
lo mismo que refiere la pregunta
expresando el memorado Seizant que dos
that the Minas Blacks’ plan did not leave
any doubt; and he told the same
story that Eustaquio Bedel had
adding only the name of the
Black and his Master; also saying as Bedel had
that behind they would see Don Joseph Decuir with
a Detachment leading some Minas
Blacks and that one of them named Petit (“Lilttle”)
François, slave of Jorge Bergeron
had declared the intent of revolting?
he said: the reference made to him
by the said Don Valentin Leblanc is true from having
gone in the company of the declarant to the
passage that says they met there with Dominique
Seizant who was yelling calling
a neighbor to come with his
rifle, at which point they spoke and what
is referred to in the question occurred
with the aforementioned Seizant saying that two
