de los Negros que se decian Xefes nom
brado Jaco y Juan Luis se habian
escapado añadiendo que uno de los que
conducia D.n Joseph Decuir habia
declarado el intento de sublevarse; pero
que no le oyo que nombrase a Petit
François ni a otro alguno y responde----
Preguntado si el delcarante oyo a
los mismos negros o alguno de ellos hablar
de la proyectada sublevacion confe
sando que en realidad la habian inten
tado? dixo: que hallandose el declarante
por casualidad en el Fuerte, y no por
haber sido llamado, en ocasion que el
Comandante D.n Valentin LeBlanc exa
minaba al Negro llamado Jacó que le
parece ser Esclavo de Santiago Favre
(aunque no lo puede aseguarar por no cono
cer a los Amos, ni a los Negros) oyo que
el dicho Jacó decia, que su intento habia
brado Jaco y Juan Luis se habian
escapado añadiendo que uno de los que
conducia D.n Joseph Decuir habia
declarado el intento de sublevarse; pero
que no le oyo que nombrase a Petit
François ni a otro alguno y responde----
Preguntado si el delcarante oyo a
los mismos negros o alguno de ellos hablar
de la proyectada sublevacion confe
sando que en realidad la habian inten
tado? dixo: que hallandose el declarante
por casualidad en el Fuerte, y no por
haber sido llamado, en ocasion que el
Comandante D.n Valentin LeBlanc exa
minaba al Negro llamado Jacó que le
parece ser Esclavo de Santiago Favre
(aunque no lo puede aseguarar por no cono
cer a los Amos, ni a los Negros) oyo que
el dicho Jacó decia, que su intento habia
of the Blacks who were said to be the Leaders named
Jaco and Juan Luis had
escaped adding that one of those that
Don Joseph Decuir was leading had
declared the intent to rise up; but
that he did not hear him name Petit (“Little”)
François nor any other and he responds--
Asked if the declarant heard the
same blacks or another of them speak
of the planned uprising confessing
that they really had intended
it? he said: that the declarant, finding himself
coincidentally in the Fort, and not because
he was called, on the occasion that the
Commander Don Valentin Leblanc
examined the Black named Jacó who seems to him
to be the Slave of Santiago Favre
(although he cannot confirm it because he did not know
the Masters, nor the Blacks) he heard
the said Jacó say, that his intent had
Jaco and Juan Luis had
escaped adding that one of those that
Don Joseph Decuir was leading had
declared the intent to rise up; but
that he did not hear him name Petit (“Little”)
François nor any other and he responds--
Asked if the declarant heard the
same blacks or another of them speak
of the planned uprising confessing
that they really had intended
it? he said: that the declarant, finding himself
coincidentally in the Fort, and not because
he was called, on the occasion that the
Commander Don Valentin Leblanc
examined the Black named Jacó who seems to him
to be the Slave of Santiago Favre
(although he cannot confirm it because he did not know
the Masters, nor the Blacks) he heard
the said Jacó say, that his intent had
Previous document:
Declaration of Louis Guillot (December 17, 1792)
Next document:
Riotord Petitions For Release on Bail (December 19, 1792)