Original Image
en su informe de treinta de Marzo
del corriente año de que con el aviso que
se le habia dado de la proyectada
sublevacion de los Negros de dho. Puesto
partio el referido Comandante en comer
cio del que declara y de D.n Simon
Croiset y saliendo del camino nuevo
que comunica el Puesto de la Punta
Cortada a la falsa Rivera encontra
ron a un Miliciano nombrado Domi
nique Seizant frente a la habitacion
de la viuda Rovillard, dando voces a
otros Milicianos y diciendoles: ven
gan Vms. pronto con sus Armas; a
cuyos gritos se acercaron a el, y pre
guntadole la novedad que habia; les
respondio: nada de bueno; a lo que
le replicó el Comandante se explicase
mas; y entonces lo dizo diciendo
in his report of the thirtieth of March
of the current year that with the warning that
he had given him of the planned
uprising of the Black of said Post
the said Commander left in the company
of the declarant and of Don Simon
Croiset and leaving by the new road
which connects the Post of Punta
Cortada to falsa Rivera they met
a Militiaman named Dominique
Seizant in front of the residence
of the widow Rovillard, yelling to
other Militiamen and saying to them:
Come quickly with your Weapons; they
approached him by these shouts, and asking
him the news that he had; he
responded: nothing good; to which
the Commander replied that he should explain
more; and then he did saying
