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D.n Ricardo De rieutord, habitante de la
Punta Cortada y comparecido por decre
to de V.S. en este tribunal sobre la Causa
criminal seguida contra algunos Negros
de aquel distrito, sosepchados del delito de
sublevacion, ante V.S. parecio y dijo: q.e
teniendo como tengo declarado judicialm.te
aqui baxo la religion del juram.to no haber
intervenido en cosa alguna de lo alli prac
ticado y que solo firmó las dilig.as exten
didas por direccion de D.n Fernando Ro
driguez, en la confianza de haberme
asegurado estaban arregladas a la verdad,
y segun las requisitos del dro, sinq.e por
lo mismo pudiese resultarme ninguna
mala conseq.a creo Señor haberme sin?
cerado con esta ingenuz veridica confesion
del yerro aq.e fui reducido, llevado de
aquella sugestion de la buena fe conq.e
crei hacer bien, y de mi ninguna
Don Ricardo De rieutord, resident of
Punta Cortada and appearing by Your Honor’s
decree at this court about the criminal
Trial conducted against some Blacks
of that district, suspected of the crime of
uprising, he appeared and said before Your Honor: that
having as I have declared judicially
here under the religion of the oath not having
participated in any of what happened
there and that he only signed the prepared
acts under the direction of Don Fernando
Rodirguez, trusting that he had
confirmed that they were truthful,
and in accordance with the law, and that
nothing bad would result I believe Señor to have been
honest with this candid truthful confession
of the mistake that I was led to, brought to by
this suggestion of the good faith with which
I thought to do well, and without having any
