Dando esta parte la fianza que ofrece a
satisfaccion del presente Escrivano se le
permite regresarse por ahora a su domi
cilio hasta otra Providencia; y dese noti
cia en Secretaria para que se le pue
da librar su pasaporte, verificado que
sea el requisito prevenido =
Preveyolo el S.r Baron de Carondelet Caba
llero de la Relixion de S.n Juan Coronel de
los R.s extos Gobernador e Intendente gral
vice Patrono Real de las Pov.s del Luisiana
y Florida Occidental e Inspector de las tropas
veteranas y milicias de ella por S.M. con
dictamen del Sr. D.r D.n Nicolas Maria Vidal
teniente Governador, Auditor de Grra de
esta dha Prov.a y Asesor gral de
satisfaccion del presente Escrivano se le
permite regresarse por ahora a su domi
cilio hasta otra Providencia; y dese noti
cia en Secretaria para que se le pue
da librar su pasaporte, verificado que
sea el requisito prevenido =
Preveyolo el S.r Baron de Carondelet Caba
llero de la Relixion de S.n Juan Coronel de
los R.s extos Gobernador e Intendente gral
vice Patrono Real de las Pov.s del Luisiana
y Florida Occidental e Inspector de las tropas
veteranas y milicias de ella por S.M. con
dictamen del Sr. D.r D.n Nicolas Maria Vidal
teniente Governador, Auditor de Grra de
esta dha Prov.a y Asesor gral de
Upon having given the bail he offers to
the satisfaction of the present scribe, he is permitted
to return for now to his domicile
until further Notice; and let this information to be given
to the Secretary so that his passport may be
freed, with the anticipated requirement confirmed=
Ordered by the Señor Baron de Carondelet Knight
of the Religion of San Juan Colonel of the
Royal armies Governor and general Intendant
Royal vice Patron of the Provinces of Louisiana
and Western Florida and Inspector of their veteran
troops and militias for His Majesty with
the judgement of Señor Doctor Don Nicolas Maria Vidal
lieutenant Governor, Judge-Advocate of
this said Province and general Advisor to its
the satisfaction of the present scribe, he is permitted
to return for now to his domicile
until further Notice; and let this information to be given
to the Secretary so that his passport may be
freed, with the anticipated requirement confirmed=
Ordered by the Señor Baron de Carondelet Knight
of the Religion of San Juan Colonel of the
Royal armies Governor and general Intendant
Royal vice Patron of the Provinces of Louisiana
and Western Florida and Inspector of their veteran
troops and militias for His Majesty with
the judgement of Señor Doctor Don Nicolas Maria Vidal
lieutenant Governor, Judge-Advocate of
this said Province and general Advisor to its
Previous document:
Riotord Petitions For Release on Bail (December 19, 1792)
Next document:
Riotord Notified of Bail Charge (December 19, 1792)