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el declarante las formalidades judiciales, co
mo hombre novensado en tales asuntos, fir-
mo las referidas diligencias como tiene dicho
sin imaginar que pudiera haver falsedad
en ellas, ni advertir en las consequencias
que podrian resultar, pues no estaba im
puesto de la obligacion de los testigos de
asistencia y le havian dicho tanto el Coman
dante D.n Valentin Leblanc, como el Escri
bano D.n Fernando Rodriguez, que el fir
mar como tal testigo de asistencia era por
forma, y que bien podia hazerlo; lo que
se comprueba con la circunstancia de que
sin poner cuidado el declarante puso su
firma quando le presento el proceso conclui
do el Comandante, lo que no huviera exe
cutado a estar mejor instruido y rezelar
que pudiera sobrevenirse de esto algun daño
al declarante o a otras personas, y res
ignorant of judicial formalities, as a
man not well versed in these matters, he signed
the said reports as he has said
without imagining that there could be falsehoods
in them, nor thinking about the consequences
that could result , since he was not
used to the obligations of the attesting
witnesses and both the Commander
Don Valentin Leblanc, as well as the Scribe
Don Fernando Rodriguez had told him that
signing as an attesting witness was pro
forma, and that certainly he could do it; which
is proven by the fact that
the declarant put down his signature without paying attention
when the Commander presented him with the finished
report, which he would not have done
if he had been taught better and suspected
that from this could come some harm
to the declarant or to other people, and he
