Declaracion de Yntmediamente ante el dicho Señor The-
Isaac Fastiau niente Gobernador y Auditor de Guerra
comparecio D.n Ysaac Fastiau de quien
su Mrd~ por medio de los mencionados Ynter
pretes y por ante mi el Escribano recivio ju
ramento que lo hizo por Dios Nuestro Señor
y una Señal de Cruz conforme a dro~ bajo
Isaac Fastiau niente Gobernador y Auditor de Guerra
comparecio D.n Ysaac Fastiau de quien
su Mrd~ por medio de los mencionados Ynter
pretes y por ante mi el Escribano recivio ju
ramento que lo hizo por Dios Nuestro Señor
y una Señal de Cruz conforme a dro~ bajo
Declaration of Immediately before the said Señor
Isaac Fastiau Lieutenant Governor and Judge-Advocate
Don Ysaac Fastiau appeared from whom
his Honor through the aforementioned Interpreters
and before me the Scribe received the
oath a that he gave before God Our Lord
and a Symbol of the Cross according to law under
Isaac Fastiau Lieutenant Governor and Judge-Advocate
Don Ysaac Fastiau appeared from whom
his Honor through the aforementioned Interpreters
and before me the Scribe received the
oath a that he gave before God Our Lord
and a Symbol of the Cross according to law under
Previous document:
Declaration of Ricard de Rieutord (November 26, 1792)
Next document:
Declaration of Julien Poydras (Poédras) (November 26, 1792)