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quien lo dixo: Que era preciso que obtuviera
lo que havia firmado, y que no tuviera cuidado
que no le sobrevendria ningun perjuicio
y que por temor y respeto del mismo
Comandante, huvo de decir lo que consta
en su declaracion citada, por que todos
saben, lo que es un juez en los Puestos, y esto
fue lo que precipito al declarante a se
mejante cosa, persuadiendome tambien
de que todo lo que contenia el proceso seria
verdad, y se habria hecho con las devidas
formalidades, como se lo hizo creer el mis
mo Comandante y responde-----
Preguntado si no sabia y comprehendian
que no podia ni devia firmar como Yn
terprete las diligencias y declaraciones
a que no se havia hallado presente sin
incurrir en falsedad, y contribuir a la que
pudiera hazerle en suponer una cosa
por otra? dixo: Que como no entiende de
who told him: That it was necessary that he obtain
what he had signed, and that he need not worry
that no harm would come to him
and that for fear and respect of the said
Commander, he had to say what appears
in his said declaration, because all
know, what a judge is on the Posts, and this
is what pushed the declarant to do such
a thing, persuading me also
that all that the report contained was
true, and was conducted with the necessary
formalities, as this same
Commander made him believe and he responds--
Asked if he did not know and understand
that he could not and should not sign as
Interpreter in hearings and declarations
at which he had not been present without
falling into falsehood, and contributing to what
could happen to him when one thing was assumed for
another? he said: That as he does not understand
