en qual respondieron ellos Y que lo que su
cedio fue que despues de concluido el proceso
le dixo al declarante el Comandante D.n
Valentin Leblanc, que como hablaba y en
tendia algo el Español le havia nombrado
por Ynterprete en aquella actuacion y le
puso presente el proceso para que firma-
ra en el; a que se le escusaba el decla
rante expresandole, que no pida ser
vir de Ynterprete por que aunque ha
blaba y entendia el Español era mui poco
y mal, y que siendo un hombre de avan
zada edad no queria mezclarse en
asuntos que le pudieran traer algun dis
gusto a que le replico el dicho Comandan
te que aquello era pero pura formali
dad y que no tubiera cuidado, que firma
ra que le resultaria nada, en cuyo
confianza le executo el declarante, y
cedio fue que despues de concluido el proceso
le dixo al declarante el Comandante D.n
Valentin Leblanc, que como hablaba y en
tendia algo el Español le havia nombrado
por Ynterprete en aquella actuacion y le
puso presente el proceso para que firma-
ra en el; a que se le escusaba el decla
rante expresandole, que no pida ser
vir de Ynterprete por que aunque ha
blaba y entendia el Español era mui poco
y mal, y que siendo un hombre de avan
zada edad no queria mezclarse en
asuntos que le pudieran traer algun dis
gusto a que le replico el dicho Comandan
te que aquello era pero pura formali
dad y que no tubiera cuidado, que firma
ra que le resultaria nada, en cuyo
confianza le executo el declarante, y
in which language they responded And what happened
was that after the trial had concluded
the Commander Don Valentin Leblanc said to
the declarant, that as he spoke and
understood a bit of Spanish he had named him
as Interpreter in this process and he
put him down as present in the trial so that he would
sign it; which the declarant declined to do
saying, that he not ask him to serve
as Interpreter because although
he spoke and understood Spanish it was very little and
badly, and that being a man of advanced
age he did not want to involve himself in
matters that could bring him some
distress to which the said Commander responded
that this was just a pure formality
and that he not worry, that nothing would happen
to him if he signed, and believing
this the declarant did so, and
was that after the trial had concluded
the Commander Don Valentin Leblanc said to
the declarant, that as he spoke and
understood a bit of Spanish he had named him
as Interpreter in this process and he
put him down as present in the trial so that he would
sign it; which the declarant declined to do
saying, that he not ask him to serve
as Interpreter because although
he spoke and understood Spanish it was very little and
badly, and that being a man of advanced
age he did not want to involve himself in
matters that could bring him some
distress to which the said Commander responded
that this was just a pure formality
and that he not worry, that nothing would happen
to him if he signed, and believing
this the declarant did so, and
Previous document:
Declaration of Ricard de Rieutord (November 26, 1792)
Next document:
Declaration of Julien Poydras (Poédras) (November 26, 1792)