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atencion y con consideracion tambien a la
innocencia del declarante y a la sensillez
cada que procedio como hombre retirado en el
Campo igualmente que a su avanzada
edad ruega al tribunal que le disculpe y
mire con compassion y responde----
Y que lo que ha dicho y declarado es la
verdad en cargo del juramento que ha
prestado en que se afirmo y ratifico leida
que le fue esta su declaracion traducida
al frances por medio de dichos Ynterpre
tes expresando estar bien y fielmente es
critas y en los proprios terminos que ha
expuesto, que es de edad como se ha dicho
de sesenta y ocho años y la firmo con su
Mrd dicho Senor Theniente Gobernador
e Ynterpretes de que doy fee----
Y Fastio
Juan Josef Duforest Ant.o Argote
Ante mi
Pedro Pedesclaux
Es.no pub.co
consideration of which and also of the
innocence of the declarant and every
simplicity with which he has acted as a man
retired to the Country as well as his advanced
age he begs the court that they forgive him and
look at him with compassion and he responds--
That what he has said and declared is true
under the oath that he
gave and that he confirms and verifies as read
to him this his declaration translated
into French by the said Interpreters
saying that it is well and faithfully written
and in the same words that he used,
that he is of the age as he has said
of sixty eight years and he signed with your
Honor said Señor Lieutenant Governor
and Interpreters which I attest--
Y. Fastio
Juan Josef Duforest Antonio Argote
Before me
Pedro Pedesclaux
Notary Public
