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asuntos judiciales, ni de sus formalidades, por
que en la edad que tiene de sesenta y ocho años
y treinta y seis de avezindado en esta colonia
nunca se ha mexclado en ellos, ni ha com
parecido ante Juez alguno para negocios
de justicia ignorabla las consequencias que
podria haver, y lo que era de su obligacion
en ellas o de que se trata, y creyo firmemen
te que debia hazer lo que le decia el Coman-
dante y responde----
Preguntado porque en la declaracion que se
le tomo por mi el presente Escribano no expuso
lo mismo qu ha referido aora? dixo: Que
no lo hizo por las instancias y persuasion del
citado Comandante como tiene expuesto en
esta su declaracion, no obstante la adverten-
cia que le hizo el presente Escrivano; pero
que creyo que mas bien debia executar lo que
le mandaba el Comandante aunque aora
reconoce que fue engañado por este: En cuya
judicial matters, nor its formalities, because
at his age of sixty eight years
and thirty six of them living in this colony
he has never been involved in them, nor has he
appeared before any Judge for judicial
business he did not know the consequences
that could arise, and what his obligations were
in them or what they were about, and he firmly
believed that he should do what the Commander
said and he responds--
Asked why in the declaration which was
taken by me the present Scribe he did not say
the same as he has now said? he said: That
he did not do it because of the requests and persuasion of the
said Commander, as he has said in
this his declaration, despite the warning
that the present Scribe gave him; but
that he believed that he should instead do what
the Commander ordered him to do although now
he realizes that he was deceived by the latter: in
